




Role of Information & ICIL in Information Age
- World has transformed from Agriculture Age-to-Industrial Age-to-Present Post-Industrial/Information Age. According to Alvin Toffler the world has developed unevenly.
- On the hand, in rapidly globalized world, economies of nation states are also globally integrated. In this rapid economically integrated world no country can survive in isolation from the rest of the world.
- Due to the unevenly developed world, doing business globally is becoming riskier day-by-day, making information as a bridge to link businesses around the world and to mitigate risk of doing business.
What are ICIL Services?
. Local Business Information Services:
ICIL is Pakistan’s major Business Information database company. Its database contains most of the public limited companies, majority of the operative private limited companies, engaged in large scale manufacturing, SMEs, commercial and Service businesses. It collects, regularly updates, processes data to compile business information reports as per State Bank prudential regulations, to be used for different lending decisions.
. ICIL-Business Information on Foreign Companies Services:
ICIL also has access to the business information database of around 50 million companies of over 60 countries. Through this business information database, ICIL provides business information reports of foreign companies required by the Pakistan banking industry to help banks to meet SBP foreign exchange regulation to mitigate risk which Pakistani importers and exporters may be financially exposed to of doing business with foreign companies.
. AML Services:
ICIL AML Services are based on LexisNexisworldCompliance Anti-Money Laundering Solutions and Global Radar AML Transaction Monitoring Software to generate Suspicious Activity Report and Tracking of Trade based money Laundering.
. Local & Global Debt Collection Services:
ICIL Local Debt Collection is based on its Receivable Management System, its nationwide branch offices, experienced collection field staff. ICIL Global Debt Collection is based on a network of its globally operating Debt Collection partners like Intrum Justita, Coface, IMC inc., in Europe, USA, South America and in all Asian and African countries.
. Employee Background Screening and Education Qualification Verification Services:
Using its nationwide branches and team of business analysts, ICIL collect data/investigates background of a person and verifies the educational qualifications from different universities. ICIL also has foreign partners who have a global network to verify education qualifications from different universities in different countries. ICIL has local customers seeking education qualification verification from local as well foreign universities. ICIL also has foreign customers seeking education qualification verification of prospective employees from Pakistani universities/education institutes.
. Business Training Services:
ICIL-BT has been arranging Open Enrolment Courses and In-house Training for the last 10 years. ICIL-BT Training courses are based on its customer own organization’s training need analysis. ICIL-BT has a panel of experienced trainers.
. I.T Enabled Verification Services:
I.T Enabled Verification Service is real time data sharing, capturing GPS location, capturing images, detailed MIS, dashboard, easily accessible web portal, data encryption, reduced turnaround time (TAT), paperless directly transferring verification report to the customer server or customer can view and print report from ICIL portal.
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